Having experience of 104 years, PT. Loka Refractories Wira Jatim is the first refractory material manufacturer in Surabaya, Indonesia, a subsidiary of a state-owned enterprise named PT. Panca Wira Usaha Jawa Timur (Wira Jatim Group).
PT. Loka Refractories Wira Jatim which was established under the name NICKI (Netherland Indonesia Klei Industri) in 1919. We supply and support industries which in their production process requires high heat energy either directly or indirectly. We contribute positively in the form of original local goverment revenue to the government.
In an effort to improve product quality and human resources, various collaborations have been carried out both with domestic and foreign institutions/agencies, including:
1. 1980 - 1985 - Technical assistance from Osaka Yogyo Ltd. Japan in the field of Runner Brick and Fire Clay Brick Technology.
2. 1986 - Technical assistance from Netherland Management Consultancy, Denhaag Mr. J. Koster for quality control and preparation for factory rehabilitation.
3. 1989 - 1990 - Technical assistance from Chang Wong Co. Ltd., for Ladle Brick Electric Arch Furnace (EAF) Technology.
4. 1990 - 1991 - Technical assistance from UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), for quality control and productivity improvement as well as product improvement/diversification.
5. 1984 - present - Technical guidance from the Bandung Center for Ceramics (BBK) in the field of product quality.
6. 1993 - Technical assistance from TOSHIBA CERAMIC, Japan and ZSCHIMER & SCHWARZ Gmbh and Co. CHEMISCE FABRIKEN GERMANY, specifically for steel mill consumable products.
7. 1994 - Technical assistance from the Netherlands through the NETHERLAND MANAGEMENT COOPERATION PROGRAMME (NMCP) Assistance in the form of knowledge regarding special raw materials for high temperature refractores from BISLEY GROUP SIDNEY AUSTRALIA.
8. 2000 - Change of status from the Regional Sarana Gedung Company to PT. Panca Wira Usaha East Java Loka Refractories.
9. 2000 – now - In terms of Quality Management System, PT. Loka Refractories Wira Jatim has received an ISO Certificate from the Bandung BBK-QACS Certification Body, and most recently, ISO 2001:2008.
10. 2002 - PT. Loka Refractories Wira Jatim operates under the auspices of the East Java Provincial Government.
11. 2003 - Business development in the field of construction services, especially work, installation & repair of refractories and installation of insulation.
Likewise, other supporting elements such as modernization of machinery, equipment and HR training so that the entire system can be controlled properly with the aim of obtaining quality products and also providing better after-sales service to customers.